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Exclusive Healing Waters / Zunzun Specialty Offerings
Traditional ZunZun Caribbean Massage
Age-old, closely guarded Caribbean secret method of body-work practiced for the public exclusively at Healing-Waters Spa.
As part of the Caribbean fabric this distinctive therapeutic technique has for centuries been know to include native Bamboo sticks and warmed Pearl-Style Shells along with long, deep stoking motions that put the body into a realm of relaxation and pain relief not found in any other method on the planet.
* Our Signature Specialty!
Colon Hydrotherapy
Considered by many to be one of the most effective methods for elimination known and used by people from all walks of life: from Hollywood Celebrities and Professional & Olympic Athletes to corporate executives and soccer moms. Benefits are too many to list all yet briefly some are: Cleanse the Colon: Breaks down toxic excrement so it can no longer harm your body or inhibit assimilation and elimination, Hydration of the Whole Body, Reduces pressure in the intra-abdominal, lower extremities and pelvic zone. Relaxes pressure on the hips and lumbar column and is beneficial to their mobility, Stimulates peristaltic action of intestines restoring normal muscle tone and therefore removal of constipation, Gives a Sensation of Well-Being, Expels parasites, Relieves gynecological disorders, Reduces weight and slims due to activating elimination, improve metabolic efficiency, lifestyle change or as a preventive measure.
Detox Programs
“The best diet in the world is no better than the worse if you don’t first clean out the built up waste and toxins!” - - Rich Sadler
Customized protocols (cleansing from the inside, out) that are guaranteed to clean out the sludge of what we eat, what we drink and what we put on our skin. After all, even though conventional wisdom states: You are what you eat’, we find that to be incomplete as the proper statement is: “You are what you Assimilate and Absorb!”
Pain Relief
One of our foremost areas of expertise (for over 30 years) is Pain management, Relief and Elimination; regardless of the area affected! Most often accomplished by Integrated Specialty Bodywork along with Advanced Brain-Entrainment & Relaxation techniques including Traditional Caribbean Zunzun and Scientific Swedish Massage, Craniosacral therapy, Neuro-muscular therapy, Massage cupping, Reiki, Frequency balancing, Distance healing, Active isolated stretching (a True Specialty), Oncology massage, Aromatherapy, Myofascial release, Rolfing and More!
Caribbean Bush Bath
A time honored Caribbean technique using indigenous plants and aromatherapy and / or specialty oils while soaking in a luxurious, soothing bath and finishing off with a power-shower.
Hot-Tub Park (ask about of Aqua-Therapies and in our Private Pool)
An exclusive feature to your Healing-Waters Spa experience not found anywhere else in the Virgin Islands. Relax in any one of our 5 inviting hot-tubs or feel free to move from one to another sampling the different temperatures and aromas and breathtaking views.
Infa-Red Sauna
Referred to as “the Next Life Extension Tool”, by Dr. Oz, Oprah and others this unique teak-wood 2-person private Sauna is outstanding for Weight Loss, Detoxification, Relaxation, Pain Relief, Lowering Blood Pressure, Improving Circulation and Skin Purification.
Healing Mud Therapy (ask about of “Fun, Sun & Mud” Beach parties)
The Caribbean’s only certified Mudder-Earth™ practitioners offering a one-of-a-kind experience guaranteed to leave your body in a supremely enhanced state than when you arrived. Several varieties and modalities available including: Exfoliating, Skin-So-Smooth, Relaxation, Warm & Toasty, Energize & Alkalize and More!
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Please connect with us on your Social Media and share this page and others by using the convenient Share selection buttons below. Thank you, Zunzun Team